Taken together to Me Beautiful style,there reputation that it looks more elegant
Taken together to Me Beautiful style,there reputation that it looks more elegant
How to UV protection glasses]Shut off the light by diffuse reflection in the various scenes of daily life,to use the polarized lenses that reduce glare due to the distortion and light.By sandwiching the film between the lens,it is also not the film is peeled off,also,are also subjected to treatment to prevent reflection on the back.Sunglasses Speaking of items that are indispensable to holiday fashion of summer.Classic accessories just because,than not a few people who are continue to use the thing of the past.However,also it continues to evolve sunglasses.While view of the trend of 2013,those of the type that fits your own,why not re-select again.By suppressing popular sunglasses,a feature!1,Wellington typeWellington type to collect popular regardless of gender.In design rim portion is reversed trapezoid,it was all the rage around the 1950s.In recent years and the fact that overseas celebrities and celebrities wearing gang,popular resurgence.It was a classic as a basic type of sunglasses.for vintage leaving a sense,you can create a sophisticated impression anyone.In addition,since the front part is elegance drifts in a linear design,even if not high nose,even features is not a flashy,you can expect the effect to be shown to the nice girls you Kirili.Taken together to Me Beautiful style,there reputation that it looks more elegant.2,Big OvalMode realism big oval type of impression.Among those narrow frame and pale tint of the lens,it is a surge of popularity.Because of the rounded design,even in gill-covered face and angular face,you can expect the effect to show to gently feminine impression.Of course,perfect for egg-shaped face and a round face.Select the type that hides increasing the area of ??the face,you can try to up the small face level.Combined with casual clothes,of international celebrities and overseas bloggers style,it will Corde trend feeling full.3,square typePopular Square type variation is increasing.Because of the linear frame,tightening the features sharp,you can expect the effect to show a stylish impression.Frame Big frame type from the type close to the rectangle,to those of the type pointed corner,various designs have emerged.Widely from metal type to plastic type also material,and I knew I would suffer to choose.For the face of the parts can be expected much to collectively effect of micelles in the middle,narrowing the width of the face,a round face mature,it is an excellent design ......and the face of troubles can also be solved in small face to face length.4,teardropPopular teardrop from the men.Originally Toka's a thing that pilot has made in order to protect your eyes from sunlight.I think it was made for the first time a teardrop "Ray-Ban" is famous in the brand.Rounded corners,rim part,such as the teardrop,is characterized in that it has become the design of the skirt spread.At first glance it looks difficult to design out a hand,but so show me reduce the area of ??the cheek,especially recommended for people of face length face.Applying reverse the gills lined face and angular person's face,because the cheek and chin from being emphasized,it can be said that the design to choose the people who wear be.Beginners and those casual down was made of plastic frame,choose those of slender frame.
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